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as many as will (Winchester)



as many as will meets on the first Thursday of every month (except August) from 7.30 to 10 pm at Shawford Parish Hall, 3 miles South of Winchester.
There is free parking, it is close to Shawford station and the Winchester - Southampton bus route is less than 500m away.

I have enjoyed English Country Dances for most of my life; and have found that the more I dance, the more I learn; and the more I learn, the greater is my enjoyment.  Sharing this enjoyment with like-minded dancers is the aim of as many as will.

Music is provided from the recorded output of some of the finest musicians across two continents.  There is a strong emphasis on listening to and dancing with the music and I will drop out the calling as soon as we are both confident.

We change partners frequently – usually after each dance or set.  This helps those who come without a partner, and dancing with different people is a great way for everyone to learn more – and you get to meet new friends.

It’s friendly, sometimes challenging, always enjoyable.    Come along and try!



Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, Shawford, WINCHESTER

Contact Information

Shawford Parish Hall, Pearson Lane, Shawford, WINCHESTER
Zip/Post Code
SO21 2AA