Saturday 24th February
Afternoon workshop: "How Contra Works" at Stoneyard Centre, 2pm - 5pm
Aimed at newer dancers (but everyone very welcome!) it’ll be a chance to deepen your understanding, improve your dancing skills, and get to know other dancers. Teaching from Charlie Turner and Bob Morgan. Followed by group dinner nearby if there’s sufficient interest. Email to let us know you’re interested in workshop and/or dinner.
Saturday 24th February: Music from Bluejay and calling from Bob Morgan (note different time and venue: 7pm doors for 7:30-10pm, Downing Place)
Saturday 16th March: Music from Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer, calling from Rachel Shapiro Wallace
Saturday 27th April : Music from Trip Hazard, calling from Sarah Trop and Rob Humphrey (note different time and venue: 7pm doors for 7:30-10pm, Downing Place)
Saturday 18th May: Music from Audrey Jaber (USA), Alan Brunier, and Adam Rich-Griffin, calling from Daisy Black
Saturday 22nd June: Music from Contrary Faeries, calling from Charlie Turner
Saturday 31st August: Music from Box of Frogs, calling from Lauren Catlin and Sally Vernon
Saturday 28th September: Music from Nozzy, calling from Nicola Scott
Saturday 26th October: Music from King Kontra, calling from Rob Humphrey
Saturday 30th November: Music from Fiddlechicks, calling from Adam Hughes