Folk Association of South Hants
FASH was set up on the dissolution of the South Hants District of the English Folk Dance and Song Society in 1994. We are still affiliated to EFDSS.
- Runs a series of workshops throughout the year
- Runs or directly funds several children's events during the year
- Makes grants to various local folk organisations and groups for the furtherance of their activities
- Publishes the monthly newsletter 'Solent Waves' with an extensive listing of events and information.
The Objectives of FASH are
- To initiate and/or support, and encourage the initiation and/or support by others of, all folk activity in South Hampshire and surrounding areas.
- To be a liaison point for folk activity in the District.
In addition to listing its own workshops, the FASH website includes a comprehensive folk dance calendar for the region and links to each area club.
Durley Memorial Hall
Contact Information
Durley Memorial Hall
Zip/Post Code
SO32 2AD